Old Computers Sucked


The first year of the series. This is where I build my first computer and get the series rolling, with the initial installation of MS-DOS and Windows, Linux and peripherals. Despite starting a brand new channel with such low production values and not promoting the channel in any way, the first Linux video got over 100k views by the time the 1993 series went up.

These videos also happen to be my first real attempt at making Youtube videos, as such they aren't all that well produced. I had major issues with the audio, and with the option of either just throwing the videos out the door, or letting them rot on my hard disk never to be released, I chose the former.

Building the Computer

Thumbnail for the computer build episode

This episode presents an overview of available hardware options, my selected hardware, and the installation and configuration of MS-DOS and Windows 3.1.

Playing Games

Thumbnail for the gameplay episode

This epsode shows how the computer I built handles some games released in 1992.

Installing Linux

Thumbnail for the Linux installation episode

This episode goes over the history of Linux up until the end of 1992, followed by my attempt at installing SLS.

Tour of Windows

Thumbnail for the Windows tour episode

This episode includes an overview of Windows 3.1, as well as a look at Microsoft Works as well as Microsoft Publisher.

Dialing Into a BBS

Thumbnail for the BBS episode

This episode starts with the history of BBSes in Sweden, followed by a demonstration of a Telegard BBS.

Using Linux

Thumbnail for the Linux usage episode

This episode focuses on actually using linux, showing sound drivers, printing and dialing into the BBS.